India faces many challenges in improving food security. More obvious problems like drought are intertwined with a complex social and economic landscape. To be successful, India must meet head on with these challenges. A new, innovative vision of food security is needed.
The TIGR2ESS programme, which covers a wide range of disciplines from the University of Cambridge and many collaborators across India, is helping to shape an agricultural revolution in India. One of our projects, Flagship Project 6, is doing this by encouraging the growth of crops which can be introduced into people’s diets to improve their health.
TIGR2ESS researchers working for collaborator NNEdPro Global Centre for Nutrition and Health have developed a nutrition education method called a Mobile Teaching Kitchen. The team behind this initiative has developed nutritious recipes, using healthy and often underused ingredients such as the grain millet. The project has empowered marginalised women in Kolkata, India to sell healthy food and deliver nutrition education to customers in a microenterprise model.
Given the wide variety of food preferences in the UK, and the popularity of Indian flavours, we believe these healthy recipes will be enjoyed by and also benefit a UK audience. Because of this, NNEdPro has created a cookbook, inspired by recipes cooked by women taking part in the mobile teaching kitchen project. As part of the 2021 Cambridge Festival, we’re showcasing some of these recipes in an online cook-along session.
Join us on 29 March to learn how to cook healthy, nutritious Indian food and get a first glimpse of the recipe book.
Find out more and sign up for this free event.