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TIGR2ESS: Transforming India's Green Revolution by Research and Empowerment for Sustainable food Supplies

A Global Challenges Research Fund project


Jag is a Director of Research, and Head of the Centre for International Manufacturing, Institute for Manufacturing, University of Cambridge where he completed his PhD in Engineering, Manufacturing and Management. His research work and that of his group involves working closely with Industry in the analysis, design and operation of international production, supply and service networks. Particular sector focus includes research on Food/FMCG and Pharmaceutical Supply Chains, and more broadly the Digitalisation of Manufacturing Supply Chains enabled by advanced production and digital technologies. 

Prior to Cambridge, Jag had held senior executive management roles within Unilever, as Supply Chain Director and Technical Director of multinationals businesses. He holds a BEng degree in Chemical Process Engineering (Aston, 1st Class Hons), MPhil and PhD degrees on Supply Network Design(Cambridge), is a Chartered Engineer (CEng) and a Fellow of the Institute of Chemical Engineers (FIChemE).


Current research areas include global value network analysis, service network integration, supply network resilience, sustainable industrial systems network design, and the development of new forms of supply network that support emerging industries. Research projects are cross-sector in nature but include supply network and industry transformations linked to specific challenges within Pharmaceuticals, Food, Automotive and Aerospace.

  • International Supply Chains
  • Supply Network Design - International firms and Multinational Corporations
  • Supply Chain Capability - Capability Models
  • Supply Chain Configuration - Influence on capability and performance
  • Service Supply Chain operations
  • Value chain analysis & mapping techniques
  • Sustainable supply chain design
  • Digitalisation of Manufacturing Supply chains


Key publications: 

Srai JS, Graham G, Hennelly P, Phillips W, Kapletia D, Lorentz H. Distributed Manufacturing: A new form of localised production?, International Journal of Operations and Production Management. 2020 40 (6), 697-727.

Tsolakis N, Harrington T, Srai JSDigital Supply Network Design: A Circular Economy 4.0 Decision-making System for Real-world Challenges. Production Planning & Control. 2020.

Alinaghian L, Kim Y, Srai JSA relational embeddedness perspective on dynamic capabilities: A grounded investigation of buyer-supplier routines. Industrial Marketing Management. 2020 Feb 1;85:110-25.

Kumar M, Tsolakis N, Agarwal A, Srai JSDeveloping distributed manufacturing strategies from the perspective of a product-process matrix. International Journal of Production Economics. 2020 Jan 1;219:1-7.

Srai JS, Lorentz H. Developing design principles for the digitalisation of purchasing and supply management. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management. 2019 Jan 1;25(1):78-98.

Tsolakis N, Bam W, Srai JS, Kumar M. Renewable chemical feedstock supply network design: The case of terpenes. Journal of cleaner production. 2019 Jun 10;222:802-22.

Christodoulou PA, Srai JS, Gregory MJ. Synergy from configuration of global production networks. Production Planning & Control. 2019. 17;30(2-3):179-96.

Tsolakis N, Aivazidou E, Srai JSSensor Applications in Agrifood Systems: Current Trends and Opportunities for Water Stewardship. Climate. 2019 Mar;7(3):44.

Tsolakis N, Bechtsis D, Srai JSIntelligent autonomous vehicles in digital supply chains. Business Process Management Journal. 2019 Jun 27.

Lim, SFW, Srai, JSExamining the anatomy of last-mile distribution in e-commerce omnichannel retailing: A supply network configuration approach’. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 2018; 38(9), 1735-1764.

Anastasiadis F, Tsolakis N, Srai JSDigital technologies towards resource efficiency in the agrifood sector: Key challenges in developing countries. Sustainability. 2018 Dec;10(12):4850.

Lim SF, Jin X, Srai JSConsumer-driven e-commerce: A literature review, design framework, and research agenda on last-mile logistics models. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management. 2018 Apr, 48 (3), 308-332.

Tsolakis N, Srai JSMapping supply dynamics in renewable feedstock enabled industries: A systems theory perspective on ‘green’ pharmaceuticals. Operations Management Research. 2018 Dec 1;11(3-4):83-104.

Bechtsis D, Tsolakis N, Vlachos D, Srai JSIntelligent autonomous vehicles in digital supply chains: a framework for integrating innovations towards sustainable value networks. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2018 Apr 20; 181: 60-71.

Tsolakis N, Anastasiadis F, Srai JSSustainability performance in food supply networks: Insights from the UK industry. Sustainability. 2018 Sep;10(9):3148.

Srai JS., Kumar M., Graham G., Phillips W., Tooze J., Tiwari MK., Ford S., Beecher P., Raj B., Gregory MJ, Tiwari MK, Ravi B, Neely A, Shankar R, Charnley F, and Tiwari A. Distributed Manufacturing: scope, challenges and opportunities, International Journal of Production Research; 2016; 54(23), 6917-6935.

Srai, JS, Harrington, TS, and Tiwari, MK. Characteristics of redistributed manufacturing systems: a comparative study of emerging industry supply networks', International Journal of Production Research 2016; 54(23) 6936-6955;

Harrington, TS, Phillips, MA, Srai, JSReconfiguring global pharmaceutical value networks through targeted technology interventions', International Journal of Production Research 2016; 55(5), 1471-1487.

Rezk, R, Srai, JS, Williamson P. The impact of product attributes and emerging technologies on firms' international configuration, Jou of International Business Studies, 2016; 47(5), 610-618

Srai, JS, Badman, C., Krumme, M., Futran, M., Johnston, C., 'Future supply chains enabled by continuous processing - opportunities and challenges', Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 2015; 104(3), 840–849.

For the complete list of Dr Srai's academic publications click here


Co-Chair of Cambridge Global Food Security IRC.
Head, Centre for International Manufacturing, IfM, Department of Engineering.

Contact Details

01223 765601
Not available for consultancy