Dr Naoum Tsolakis is Research Associate in Industrial Systems and Network Analysis at the Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, where he focusses on the design, analysis and management of multi-level operations in sustainable supply network systems. More specifically, his main research and practice interests include the areas of simulation modelling and optimisation of end-to-end supply chain operations, enabled by digital technologies, to assess emerging configurational designs for the efficient sustainable management of food supply networks. Naoum holds a 5-year Engineering Diploma (top graduate for the Academic Year 2005-2006) and a PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering, along with four Masters degrees in the engineering and business management domains.
Naoum focuses on industrial systems and network analysis issues across a range of industrial applications and with an inter-disciplinary outlook. More specifically, his main research and practice interests are in the areas of circular supply chains’ design, analysis and management emphasising on the exploitation of renewable chemical feedstocks for the pharmaceutical industry.
Before joining the IfM, Naoum worked as a post-doctoral researcher in the GREEN-AgriChains research project led by the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (A.U.Th.), Greece, that involved key stakeholders from the European agrifood sector. His research involved the mapping of agrifood supply chains and the impact assessment of sustainability-driven policies and interventions.